Your children & students
It's our passion, privilege and responsibility
to help you raise your children in the Christian faith
Start children off the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it
– Proverbs 22:6
It's never too early or too late to teach children the ways of the Lord. From before the time they can talk, here at THE CONNECTION we begin sharing the Bible with them, helping them to understand there is a God who loves them, and a Savior who died and rose again for them. From birth through the high-school years, we instill in our young people the value of seeking God, sharing their lives, and serving the risen Lord.
We want to help kids take their next steps with Jesus Christ. We do this by helping them Embrace Jesus Personally, Experience Jesus in Community, Equip servant leaders and disciple-makers, and Extend Jesus to others
Safety and Security
Bible-based teaching
Developing a personal faith in God
Serving and sharing the gospel with others
Building healthy relationships
Every kid knows who Jesus is
Every kid knows they are made in the image of God
Every kid knows how to love others the way God loves us

Join Us Sundays at
Office Hours 10:00am to 4:30pm
3135 Oak Mountain State Park Road
Pelham AL, 35124