Who we are
What We Believe
The Bible:
Is the inspired Word of God and that men were moved by the Holy Spirit to write the very words of Scripture.
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The Trinity:
We believe in God who is eternally existent in three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit-each of whom possesses equally all the attributes of deity.
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The Church:
Is the body of Christ, of which Jesus Christ is the head. The members of the church are those who have trusted by faith the finished work of Christ. The purpose of the church is to glorify God by loving Him and making Him known to a lost world.
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The Savior:
We believe that the blood of Jesus Christ, shed on the cross, provides the sole basis for the forgiveness of sin. Therefore, salvation occurs when people place their faith in the death and resurrection of Christ as sufficient payment for their sin.
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The Healer:
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the healer and that healing is provided for in the atonement.
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The Coming King:
We believe that Jesus was crucified and three days later rose from the grave. He ascended into heaven, and will one day return again.
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The Gifts:
We believe that the Church should claim and express the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:8-10).

Baptism – an expression of faith
Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River. This was a new outward expression, as well as a new covenant: Believe in Jesus as Lord will not perish but have eternal life.
Baptism is an outward expression of the inward faith that Jesus is Lord. For infants, we dedicate with the promise to raise the child in faith. For adults, baptized individuals acknowledge this faith for themselves.
Communion – Christ's gift
to the church
Through our prayers and the sharing of bread and wine, we are joined to Christ and through Christ to each other. During Communion we remember what God has done for us. The past event of our Lord's death, resurrection and ascension comes into the present so that its power once again touches us, changes us, and heals us. We gather at the table with joy, eating and drinking to celebrate our risen Lord.

Questions? Please contact us ... we're happy to help
Give us a call at 205-620-0720 for more answers or
click the links below

Join Us Sundays at
Office Hours 10:00am to 4:30pm
3135 Oak Mountain State Park Road
Pelham AL, 35124